Cellulite-Home-Remedies-300x197Cellulite is a plight that affects 90 percent of women, regardless of body size. Even though it is completely normal fat under the surface of the skin, it has a bumpy appearance due to the fat pushing against connective tissue. Cellulite can also, unfortunately, be hereditary. If other women in your family have high amounts of cellulite, then you may also be more likely to have it. However, that doesn’t mean it is a hopeless battle. There are temporary solutions, such as putting on self-tanner to hide the appearance of cellulite, and even some creams, such as caffeine scrubs, that can create smoother skin. It is important to know that the most long-term results will be from a combination of many things.

Eating a Healthy Diet

Making sure to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet is essential to reducing cellulite. Foods filled with bad fats will not only cause you to gain weight, but also make the cellulite spread. Eating healthily, however, does not mean skipping meals or fad dieting. Even though these things can be a quick-fix to weight gain, they are actually shown to increase the risk of cellulite. Fad diets cause you to lose weight quickly, but, once the diet is over, weight is gained back just as quickly. The rapid gain and loss of weight is what makes the cellulite even worse. The best diet to consume is one rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber.

cellulite_detailPhysical Activity

Regular physical activity will also help to minimize the appearance of cellulite. This does not necessarily mean intensive workouts every day. Simply getting out and walking around two or three times a week can be very beneficial to your body. This can both help to lose weight and to get rid of cellulite. Additionally, the more physical activity you include in your routine, the more you’ll be capable of doing as time goes on. The best workouts for cellulite incorporate aerobic exercise with strength training.

Summer’s warm temperatures and long hours of daylight beckon us to get outdoors and spend time at the beach, or go hiking or sailing, or just enjoy picnics at the park or softball games with the kids. However, summer fashion sometimes reveals more than we want to show off, especially for those past the age of puberty. Body fat, wrinkled skin, age spots, and sagging arms or thighs are some of the problems faced by older men and women. One of the worst culprits, especially for women, is cellulite.

What Causes Cellulite?

Lose CellulitesCellulite, often referred to as “orange-peel skin” or “hail damage”, is a condition in which fat stored in skin cells results in a lumpy, dimpled appearance of the skin surface. The condition is more common in women than men, due to the distribution of their body fat under the skin. However, the good news is that cellulite can be significantly reduced by proper diet and exercise, as well as a number of cellulite treatment strategies.

While some of these treatments are expensive, involving high-priced spa treatments, expensive salves and creams, and even medical procedures, there is hope for those of us on a budget. One popular treatment that is making the rounds of the internet involves a simple home remedy that uses a common household ingredient, coffee.

The coffee is mixed with an oil base and either sugar or salt, usually in a blender, and then applied to cellulite-prone areas and worked into the skin, and then rinsed off. Whether you use regular grind, espresso grind, or drip grind, just make sure you don’t use decaf. Apparently, the caffeine in the coffee is the active ingredient in this cellulite remedy.

How to make your own coffee scrub?

The ingredients for this scrub are things that are likely to be in your pantry already. You will need caffeinated ground coffee, olive oil, and sugar.
In a blender, combine:

  • Half cup caffeinated ground coffee
  • Half cup sugar, either white or brown, and salt, either sea salt or Epsom salt
  • Few teaspoons olive oil or coconut oil
  • Blend ingredients on medium speed until mixture is smooth
  • Pour the mixture into an airtight jar with a lid

For best results, apply the cream immediately after showering. Apply a thin layer of coffee scrub to problem areas, massaging in a
cellulite-solution circular motion. Keep massaging for several minutes, working the cream into the skin. Rinse and pat dry.

The olive oil works as a base, to hold the mixture together, and works to smooth and moisturize the skin. The sugar or salt has a rough texture and acts as an exfoliant, helping remove dead surface skin and stimulating circulation. However, it is the caffeinated coffee that acts as the miracle ingredient. The caffeine in coffee is said to draw water out of fat cells, shrinking them and making the fat less noticeable. Caffeine also acts as a natural antioxidant, helping neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals in skin cell tissue, one of the major causes of premature aging.

So, before you throw those coffee grounds away, consider putting them to another use. While this and other treatments are not guaranteed to remove cellulite, they are cheap and easy to use, and some people have claimed to see results.

Caffeine for cellulite? Isn’t coffee meant to perk you up in the morning, energizing you for the day? Yes to both questions! While the opinions are varied about how coffee affects your health, one thing is certain that your skin loves coffee.

Best Cellulite TreatmentThe truth is, cellulite can be stubborn. Contrary to popular myth, cellulite affects both men and women, fat and thin people. Some weight loss helps reduce cellulite. Its appearance is more obvious in women. Men have thicker skin and the connective tissue under the skin does a better job of camouflaging the cellulite. Although there are several ways to treat cellulite, there is no single method that will keep it off permanently. Usually, a combination of treatments works and helps you reduce it, making it less visible.

So, what’s so great about caffeine?

Using coffee grounds to scrub your skin can not only stimulate your blood circulation, but
also expand your blood vessels. This helps the skin absorb more nutrients, helping it tighten up and look good. Did you know that coffee is a source of antioxidants, which are important for healthy skin and getting rid of cellulite?

Many cellulite creams list caffeine as a major ingredient for its proven benefits. If you are Cellulite Reductionkeen on home remedies for cellulite, here is an easy recipe for you to try:

Blend an egg white with two tablespoons of olive oil and half a cup of coffee grounds. Blend the mixture thoroughly. Then apply it on those areas with cellulite. Gently rub it in a circular motion. Keep it on for a few minutes and wash it off. This is best done in your bathroom, so you can clean up the mess easily. Repeat this a few times a week to start seeing results.

How does caffeine work to reduce cellulite?

When you rub that coffee on the skin, it is believed to attack the fat in the skin cells. Research also suggests that caffeine hinders the activity of a cell enzyme called phosphodiesterase, which prevents body fat from breaking down. When caffeine inhibits Best Treatment For Cellulitethis enzyme, the body’s fat is burnt and this prevents the formation of cellulite.

Brands of top cellulite creams with caffeine recommend using the cream daily to restore the skin’s toned look and to eliminate cellulite. Most of these have natural ingredients that work by shrinking the cellulite or accelerating fat burning. Since exercise is one of the most effective ways to fight cellulite, for those who cannot spare the time to set aside that time every day, the creams are a great way to eliminate cellulite. They help regain the firm, smooth contours of the skin by loosening the toxins and flushing them out of the body, while strengthening the connective tissue.

So while caffeine can help, it is a good idea to revamp your diet and cut out those processed foods. Add regular exercise and an active lifestyle and you’ll be well on your way to bidding that cellulite goodbye.